Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Norah's 5th Birthday

Our Norah Noo-Noo is now 5!  (Yesterday was her actual birthday).  Last Saturday we had her party with friends, and last night we opened gifts with family.  Some quick facts about Norah:

- she still loves animals
- Littlest Pet Shop is her favorite type of toy, followed by ponies and stuffed animals
- she loves to play with Serena 
- her new favorite game is playing Mario World simulated for N64 on the Wii (to which she refers to as the "real" Mario game)
- her recent catch phrase is "Mama Mia Papa Pia"
- and she is still our champion at coloring

Here's some pictures from her birthday party.  It was Rainbow Dash-themed.  (Rainbow Dash is a My Little Pony for those who don't know):

Here's Norah opening her presents from us:

Happy 5th Birthday Norah!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Serena - 9/10 months

Serena is now a little over 10 months.  At her 9 month check-up she weighed in at a little over 13 pounds.  She's gaining weight, but still is petite as ever!

In just the past few weeks she finally learned how to crawl.  She'll now poke her head around corners, then squeal as if to say, "I'm HERE!!!" And she's got her two bottom teeth.  

The rest of the girls love playing with her - especially Norah.  She's always hugging and kissing Serena, and bringing her toys.  Such a joy to see them all together.