Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Norah's 5th Birthday

Our Norah Noo-Noo is now 5!  (Yesterday was her actual birthday).  Last Saturday we had her party with friends, and last night we opened gifts with family.  Some quick facts about Norah:

- she still loves animals
- Littlest Pet Shop is her favorite type of toy, followed by ponies and stuffed animals
- she loves to play with Serena 
- her new favorite game is playing Mario World simulated for N64 on the Wii (to which she refers to as the "real" Mario game)
- her recent catch phrase is "Mama Mia Papa Pia"
- and she is still our champion at coloring

Here's some pictures from her birthday party.  It was Rainbow Dash-themed.  (Rainbow Dash is a My Little Pony for those who don't know):

Here's Norah opening her presents from us:

Happy 5th Birthday Norah!

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